Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lake Lanier Islands Water Park Georgians: Which Is Better Lake Lanier Island Waterpark Or White Water?

Georgians: Which is better Lake Lanier Island Waterpark or White Water? - lake lanier islands water park

My friend and I will be a water park on Wednesday and we have a choice between the Iceland Lake Lanier Water Park and white water! Weve both of Lake Lanier and Ive been on the whitewater. But the water and the white lines and is more expensive. However, the Lake Lanier is less interesting (I think) which is better? Thaaannkksss

1 comment:

nfms cheerleader said...

I would say that the white water. Lake Lanier Islands has only a few walks and a few lines long. Agua Blanca has more rides and could not be executed because they go on a weekday too. I hope that answers your question.

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